Ogres have a heart of gold. Ogers' kids in particular are adorable. That's why I decided to create an Adoption Service for little Ogres orphans .
Sally is the first on my list. She's 9 years old and is truly in love with animals. She recovers dead animals from the forest and makes them pretty. She gives them a new house. And she loves them as if they were still alive.
Diamond Bob was used to being a regular moth. As Sally found his corpse, she made him prettier by adding decorations and a shiny gem on his left wing.
Sally loves flies, for they use to fly around her little friends. The real flies... As well as the fancy flies:)
The doll comes with bendeable arms and empty hands.

Inside the shoebox I put Sally's treasures: Tiny, pretty corpse-animals which Sally has wrapped into gift paper. Your choice of switching the gift in her hands.
As sample: Timmy the opossum...
Irma the wolf...
ADOPT SALLY, PLEASE! You will see how warm an Ogre's heart can be.
"Adopt a little Ogre" has been on show at the art gallery "The Hive", Los Angeles downtown, from Sept the 3rd to the 28th 2011.
ADOPT A LITTLE OGRE by Maracole 2011. All rights reserved.
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