martedì 16 agosto 2011

"Adopt a little Ogre"

Ogres have a heart of gold.  Ogers' kids in particular are adorable. That's why I decided to create an Adoption Service for little Ogres orphans .

Sally is the first on my list. She's 9 years old and is truly in love with animals. She recovers dead animals from the forest and makes them pretty. She gives them a new house. And she loves them as if they were still alive.

Sally loves also wrapping gifts. So she wrap gift paper around her little friends and she make beautiful presents out of them. This is Bob the moth.

Diamond Bob was used to being a regular moth. As Sally found his corpse, she made him prettier by adding decorations and a shiny gem on his left wing.

Sally loves flies, for they use to fly around her little friends. The real flies... As well as the fancy flies:)

ADOPT A LITTLE OGRE is now a mixed media artwork that you can buy on Maracole Etsy shop online. Sally has been packaged like a Barbie, and exposed inside her tiny environment with accessories.

The doll comes with bendeable arms and empty hands.

Inside the shoebox I put Sally's treasures: Tiny, pretty corpse-animals which Sally has wrapped into gift paper. Your choice of switching the gift in her hands.

As sample: Timmy the opossum...

Irma the wolf...

Richard the chiken.

Sally wrote also a letter to her new family. You'll find it inside her package box.

 ADOPT SALLY, PLEASE! You will see how warm  an Ogre's heart can be.

"Adopt a little Ogre" has been on show at the art gallery "The Hive", Los Angeles downtown, from Sept the 3rd to the 28th 2011.

ADOPT A LITTLE OGRE by Maracole 2011. All rights reserved.

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